Irina Kuchynka

Senior Consultant

Irina Kuchynka

Irina Kuchynka has a quick mind, which enables her to get to the heart of the matter. Having conducted a thorough analysis of the facts and sensitive issues in the stakeholder’s environment, she develops a clear strategy. Her empathetic approach allows her to spontaneously identify with the feelings and requirements of her clients. Irina Kuchynka has broad knowledge and experience in healthcare. As a former employee of senior civil servant Mario Fehr, security director of Canton Zurich, she also has considerable expertise in security, social issues and migration.

Irina Kuchynka studied history, linguistics and literature in Zurich.

Her favourite activity is reading. Whether classic literature or poems – Irina Kuchynka both broadens her horizons and switches off by reading.

E irina.kuchynka [SECURE E-MAIL - REWRITE MANUALLY] *at*